Evening "steles von Saignelégier"

Thursday December 3, 2009. salle de paroisse, Saignelégier
First projection of the film reporting on this artistic and spiritual adventure from the beginning to the end , in the presence of the artist
Presentation of a brochure
Free entry

diaporama 21steles Slideshow of the 21 steles



FARBThe Jura artist, Florian Froehlich, has worked on this innovative project for nearly 5 years, after being handed a challenge at the very outset by the commission in charge of the project: to create a stained glass window decoration which in no way interferes with the natural lighting of the church!


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October 19 to December 2, 2007

Galerie de la FARB (Fondation Anne et Robert Bloch), 8 rue du Fer, 2800 Delémont



Pictures of this exhibition

Florian Froehlich - FARB Florian Froehlich - FARB Florian Froehlich - FARB Florian Froehlich - FARB Florian Froehlich - FARB

Florian Froehlich - FARB Florian Froehlich - FARB Florian Froehlich - FARB Florian Froehlich - FARBFlorian Froehlich - FARB

Festival du Jura 
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Jura Music Festival (Festival du Jura), Florian Froehlich was asked to create several items : the logo of the Festival, the poster design, the painting « Reflets et échos sonores » and a limited edition of a photolithography (200 ex., numbered and signed; sale on festivaldujura.ch)
PDF document



Florian Froehlich - Festival du jura Florian Froehlich - Festival du jura 1 Florian Froehlich - Festival du jura 2 Florian Froehlich - Festival du jura 3 Florian Froehlich - Festival du jura 5 Florian Froehlich - Festival du jura 6 Florian Froehlich - Festival du jura 7 Florian Froehlich - Festival du jura 8 Florian Froehlich - Festival du jura 9 Florian Froehlich - Festival du jura 10 Florian Froehlich - Festival du jura 11 Florian Froehlich - Festival du jura 12 Florian Froehlich - Festival du jura 13 Florian Froehlich - Festival du jura 14 Florian Froehlich - Festival du jura 15 Florian Froehlich - Festival du jura 16 Florian Froehlich - Festival du jura 17 Florian Froehlich - Festival du jura 18 Florian Froehlich - Festival du jura 19

In collaboration with the photographer Jacques Bélat, a picture walk was created, reproducing the painting « reflets et échos sonores » under various angles and lights.
Reflets et échos snonores, toile, 50 x 100 cm, 2007